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Friday, January 21, 2011

PRESS RELEASE: Kenya Somali Community of North America

We, members of the Kenya Somali Community of North America take this opportunity to support the Prime Minister of Kenya, Hon. Raila Odinga, the President of Kenya his Excellency Mwai Kibaki, and the government, in their pursuit to implement the New Constitution of Kenya. Also, we take this opportunity to denounce the political opportunists who are attempting to paralyze the government's business by spreading sustained lies against the Prime Minister, and thus forestall the implementation of the New Constitution. The lies pedaled by Mr. Ruto and his compatriots to wit the Prime Minister has influenced the ICC in naming of the six post election violence suspects, is not only false, but also, nonsensical. Neither the Prime Minister nor the President has any power to influence the world's court. Ruto and his cahoots have scuttled the creation of the local tribunal when we had the opportunity to have a motion passed by the parliament. They argued for The Hague instead. Now we say, don't panic, it is The Hague.
The lies they feed with their ill informed tribal loyalists are not only unfortunate but also potential risk to the country's stability. In that regard, we urge the ICC to move swiftly to indict and lock up the six suspects or exonerate them immediately as the law so require. We strongly urge the Prime Minister and the President to stay on course – refuse to give in to the demands of these suspected war criminals. The activities of some of these suspects are dangerous as they are bent to defeating justice by throwing the country into another civil chaos. Kenyans must be vigilant against those who have benefited in the past from nepotism and impunity and are keen on protecting and preserving their privileges at any costs. We also urge the President and the Prime Minister to deny the six suspects and their cahoots to withdraw Kenya from its membership of the world's body – the ICC.
We strongly reject the requirement to compel the taxpayers to pay for the legal fees of these war crime suspects when IDPs are still in languishing in camps and many more Kenyans are facing starvation as a result of perennial droughts that could be easily mitigated with those funds.
For more information Please contact the undersigned for any question pertaining to this press release.

Mohamed A. Doli, Dip., LLB
Co-Chairperson Kenya Somali Community of North America

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