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Monday, January 31, 2011


                                       The Government spokesman Dr. Alfred Mutua

The Government wishes to clarify on the process for the nominations for the appointments of the new Chief Justice, Attorney General, Director of Public Prosecutions and Director of Budget.

We would like to make it very clear that initial consultations for these positions between H.E. President Mwai Kibaki and Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Raila Odinga started before Christmas, last year.

These consultations were resumed on Thursday, January 27th, 2011 at Harambee House, in the morning and also in the afternoon. The consultations were very intense and were also held in various forms the following day, Friday, January 28th, 2011. The consultations continued until late on Friday before the announcement was made.

The president was very clear that the appointments needed to be made before the Africa Union meeting being held this weekend in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

By Friday morning, all but one of the appointments had been fully agreed upon. Later in the day, President Kibaki came up with a solution that addressed the concerns of the Prime Minister and the final list was ready for announcement.

There are several issues that require special emphasis:
1. The appointments are for vital positions that should NOT be based on political or ethnic affiliations but expertise, unquestionable integrity and efficiency that will give the people of Kenya a renewed sense of hope, fairness and prosperity.

2. As per the requirements of the Constitution, these appointments are considered together with others that are yet to be made to ensure ethnic and gender balance.

3. Consultations do not mean one hundred percent (100%) agreement or one hundred per cent (100%) consensus, otherwise the country would never move forward. Decisions have to be made that are timely and for the benefit of the country.

4. Bearing all this in mind, it is therefore insincere and misleading for any person to say that consultations had not been made before the appointment of the new Judicial Officials. Some of the statements that have been made since the announcement of the new officials have been a surprise and others even shocking because they are contrary to the facts and reality of what has been undertaken.

5. It is important at this time in our Country to work together to ensure there is speedy implementation of various reforms and projects so as to develop the country, reduce poverty, provide employment to the youth and stability and hope to the hard working people of Kenya.

Dr. Alfred N. Mutua, EBS

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