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Thursday, January 20, 2011


                                    A police officer holding a gun on one othe suspect

The commitment and willingness of the Kenya Police Reforms in the much publicised and anticipated ongoing reforms in the country have once again shot to the limelight a day after policemen were caught on camera executing three men suspected to be the shooters of a Deputy OCS in Nairobi last week.
CID officers operating undercover using an unmarked car forced the car the three were driving and ordered them to alight.The three suspects alighted from the besieged car hands raised over their heads and the officers ordered them to lie on the tarmac and they duly obliged.
One of the officers was pointing a gun to their heads after a pistol was found on one of them.Minutes later the three lay dead after having been sprayed with bullets and the officers had sped off from the horriffic scene allegedly after briefing the Lang'ata Police Commander Augustine Kimantiri ,who arrived at the scene minutes later.
Speaking to journalists Mr.Kimantiri told journalists,"CID officers had challenged a gang of six suspicious men to stop but instead they drew arms and fired at the officers,and a shoot-out ensued." an alleagtion contary to what was caught on camera and witnesses who claimed that there was no shoot-out between the police and the suspects who willingly surrendered up.
Cases of illegal and extra-judicial killings have characterized Kenya's police force in the past,prompting a 2009 investigations by United Nation's special rapportuer Phillip Alston whose report to the United Nation's human Rights Council in Geneva condemned the police for widespread extra-judicial executions with a clear reminder of such executions freshened by the latest bloody executions.
When contacted,Police Spokesman Eric Kiraithe said that they have received a report at the headquaters involving police officers and suspected criminals and that the incident is subject to investigations according to the Force Standing Orders and the Criminal Procedure Code.Kiraithe added that as usual a file has been opened on the case at the Lang'ata Division.
The big question remains,will the said 'police reforms' ever be a reality or is it just another policy on paper???

Kelvin Mwangi,

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