It gives me great pleasure, to preside over the opening of this important conference which brings together leaders from various sectors of our society. We are here to dialogue on how to effectively implement our constitution.
The conference comes at an opportune time when implementation of the constitution has gathered momentum. We are also two months away, from the first anniversary of the promulgation of the constitution. This conference will therefore provide an opportunity for the sharing of experiences.
We also want to build consensus on important issues that affect implementation and the progress so far. The conference also provides an opportunity for greater involvement of more stakeholders in this important national effort. At the end of this conference, we should have formulated forward looking strategies to enhance the process of implementation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On 27th August last year, I promulgated the Constitution, which had been ratified by a great majority of Kenyans. Since then the Government has made great strides in implementing the constitution. So far we have facilitated the enactment of enabling legislation and the establishment of institutions needed for implementation of the constitution.
Important legislation that has been passed includes the Commission on implementation Act, the Judicial Services Act, the Commission on Revenue Allocation Act, the Supreme Court Bill and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Bill.
Institutions that have been established include the Commission on Implementation of the Constitution, the Judicial Service Commission and the Commission on Revenue Allocation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Government has also committed substantial resources for the implementation of the Constitution. As you will appreciate, the process requires a massive injection of both financial and human resources.
Needless to say, the process must compete with many other national needs, including education, health and the provision of famine relief food in areas hard hit by drought. We therefore appreciate the support that we have so far received, from development partners including the United Nations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our national VISION TWENTY THIRTY, sets out an elaborate agenda of measures towards creating a better nation. We have begun reforms required to achieve the vision. Kenyans are benefitting from this transformative process. These include improved infrastructure development such as better roads, enabling investment climate and greater focus on vulnerable sectors of our society.
The new constitution created avenues and structures that will facilitate attainment of the goals set out under VISION TWENTY THIRTY. We must however do more, to place us on the path of a prosperous, equitable and democratic nation where all our citizens enjoy a high quality of life. We must therefore focus on some of the following areas:
1. Urgently legislate and implement policies, laws and regulations with regard to governance, human rights, justice and rule of law;
2. Entrench national values and norms that uphold patriotism, democratic ethics and integrity, and national cohesion;
3. Have in place an effective justice and dispute resolution mechanisms to deal with conflicts, injustice, rights abuses and crime;
4. Instill public confidence in governance and rule of law institutions. This process that has began in earnest following the swearing into office of a new Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice and Director of Public Prosecutions.
The Constitution creates an enabling framework for necessary reforms to address these governance issues and challenges that hinder our progress. The constitution will enable us to re-examine our nationhood, embrace a new value-system, reconfigure our economy and change our politics.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Government is committed to the implementation of far reaching reforms in the governance system. This includes reform in the three arms of Government. The Government is also committed to the consolidation of national cohesion and unity and strengthening of mechanisms for transparency and accountability.
The implementation of these reforms, which has commenced, will deepen our democracy and facilitate development. The implementation of economic reforms particularly those aimed at addressing poverty, inequality and regional imbalances as well as unemployment, particularly among the youth are important. This will ensure that the people of Kenya are sufficiently empowered to engage in more production in order to enjoy better living standards.
As you commence your deliberations, I urge you to come up with recommendations that are practical and viable. Kenyans want to see the new constitution at work. This is why they overwhelmingly voted for its enactment.
With those remarks it is now my pleasure to declare this conference officially open.
Source: State House- Kenya
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