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Thursday, February 17, 2011


                 Editor The African Tribune Blog Shadrack Nyasani Mbaka

It is unfortunate that Kenyans are undergoing a personality humiliation from our politicians whom we chose to represent us in parliament. Over the past few weeks the country has witnessed a high level of insincerity, indecisiveness, political u-turns and party wrangles. It is absurd that our leaders cannot even agree on simple issues such as the correct meaning of the word consultation.
The speaker of the national assembly has been left with the duty of the executive of nominating officials for constitutional office that should be handled by the two principals. The Ocampo issue has been politicized, to the extent that one may think that Luis Moreno Ocampo is running for political office in Kenya and one may be excused to think that is what triggered the VP Kalonzo Musyoka to engage in shuttle diplomacy to shut the latter in his bid to stand for political office.
On a point of order, I would like to fault the two parliamentary departmental committees on Justice and Constitutional affairs and Finance, for openly disregarding the speaker’s order to table a report in parliament regarding the constitutionality of the nomination of the AG, CJ, DPP and Controller of budget for appointment by the President. 
The country requires a new CJ by 27th February and yet our leaders cannot agree on the potential candidate for the posts what makes us sure the same leaders will make informed decisions on matters of the constitution as well as having a concrete case to the ICC judges or the United Nations Security Council.
I would like to be corrected if am wrong, I think failure by our politicians to agree on the nomination clearly hints out that the same leaders who threw out the decision to form a local tribunal to try violence suspects are the same leaders who are calling for the deferral of Kenya’s case at ICC as well as its withdrawal from the Rome statute. I call this insincerity, indecisiveness and misplaced loyalties for they need to be loyal to Kenyans.
Needless to say all this side shows are likely to hamper the implementation of the new constitution that thousands of Kenyans turned out to witness its promulgation that was marked by pomp and color on the 27th August, 2010.
Ironically the same leaders who swore to protect and defend the new constitution are the same suspects who disregard the new constitution.
I would like to urge our politicians to give room for an efficient implementation of the new constitution.

Shadrack Nyasani Mbaka,
Editor The African Tribune Blog

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